
Ebook - Rapha's Big Discovery

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At some point in every girl's childhood, she goes through periods of uncertainty when she is unaware of her full potential. Insecurity, shyness, fear of negative attention, doubts… they can be so overwhelming that they keep her awake at night. It was no different for Rapha: a disastrous event made her realise that she was sending the wrong message to everyone around her. This big discovery changed the way that she thought, felt, and acted, which turned her into a happier, fulfilled girl. In this book, Raphaela learns that any girl can be a princess with no need for a crown.
At some point in every girl's childhood, she goes through periods of uncertainty when she is unaware of her full potential. Insecurity, shyness, fear of negative attention, doubts… they can be so overwhelming that they keep her awake at night. It was no different for Rapha: a disastrous event made her realise that she was sending the wrong message to everyone around her. This big discovery changed the way that she thought, felt, and acted, which turned her into a happier, fulfilled girl. In this book, Raphaela learns that any girl can be a princess with no need for a crown.
Mais informações
Largura 0.11
Frete Grátis Não
Altura 0.02
Profundidade 0.16
Código do Produto 400.300.9088
Ano de Lançamento 2021
Editora UNIPRO
Número de Páginas 144
Subscription only Não
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